Providing Opportunities ...when one hears that one automatically thinks of big Government and providing more social programs.
What about us? What can we do? If every school had every need met could any government ever afford the enormous cost? Realistically no matter what any politician promises there is a need for the average person that is those that are the parents, the teachers , the administrators and other community leaders need to become proactive and not to wait for something magical to happen.
Proactive means not being reactive. Proactive means finding solutions. Proactive means thinking ahead. Proactive means working together to find a solution. Then working together to implement that solution is true teamwork in action.
Teamwork ...is shown by what has happened in NASCAR. NASCAR has set rules and regulations that has decided the specifications for each car so that each car is almost identical. So how does one driver have an advantage over another? If one car is not a tremendous amount faster than the other how will one ever win? Recently it was reported on ESPN that the variable now is in the Pit Crew. Literally how they work together during the race and how the entire team pulls together is what can make enough difference to put one driver ahead of the rest of the pack. If a group in a community pulls together to work as a team to provide opportunities it can make the difference in lives more than any Federal or State program. Who can you work with to provide opportunities? Find someone or somewhere that you can help this week...
Remember:There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and cost of comfortable inaction.
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