CONFUSED AND LONELY TEEN SUFFERS CHRONIC DEPRESSIONDEAR ABBY: I am 17 years old and believe I am suffering from chronic depression. I am very emotional and cry a lot. I get good grades, and people say I'm a great baby sitter, but I feel that I'm not good at anything else.
My younger sister, who is 15, is very outgoing and has a lot of friends. I have only a few, so I get jealous.
Now I have started gaining weight to the point that I am no longer "skinny."
About four months ago, my best friend of two years and I stopped getting along, and we haven't spoken since.
I have had counseling for two years. I go every three months, but nothing is changing. Both my parents feel that it is a waste of money. I try to talk to them sometimes, but they just take it as a joke. I am confused about everything, and I am so lonely. Do you have any advice? --
DEAR HURTING: Yes, I do. Depression, increasing isolation and low self-esteem are problems that require counseling on a more regular basis than every three months, and possible medication in addition. If the person you are seeing hasn't recognized that the sessions haven't helped you, then it's time for another evaluation with another therapist. Please show this to your parents and tell them the letter was written by you. You need more help than I can give you in a letter.
Depression is a major problem with teenagers and even now some children are experiencing it! We need to be on the watch for children and teen agers that might be experiencing depression ! One of the top killers of our teenagers is suicide. Where does suicide start? Usually it starts with some form of depression. As an adult be the one that will provide the opportunity for a teenager to have an avenue of escape from depression.