Students of today feel that they have so many things against them that they can not see the positive as Lou Gehrig did in the above farewell speech! When they have no hope and feel like they are at the bottom of the mountain that might be the mountain of poverty, the mountain of a poor school, the mountain of having failed a grade or two, the mountain of having a Learning Disability or numerous other mountains. As adults we must take time to encourage and motivate the students of today to climb the mountains of their life ! Instead of some pep talk we must also offer to give them the assistance they need and to be there with them as they conquer any mountain that might come in their life! If you look for the people that have been great successes it has been because somewhere or some time in their life their was someone that came along side them and said "you can do it...I believe in you!"
Remember:"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein
Remember this site can not work without you! What can we do to help the youth of today up the mountains that they are facing?