Thursday, June 21, 2007

Habit…What does this have to do with …
June 21st, 2007 · Habit…What does this have to do with taking new steps forward in education and leadership? Nicole Richie, Nick Nolte, Mel Gibson and Pac Man Jones…what do they all have in common? They are ones that did not understand the power of H-A-B-I-T. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” which was first written by Stephen Covey and then his son Sean Covey wrote a version of the original dealing with the adolescent issues while still dealing with the idea of a life run by principles. Research has proven that a life based on principles and not aimlessly lived can produce a more fulfilling, productive life. More pictures could have been posted here of celebrities and other notable people in society that have not found the key of deciding their key habits which will make one the most productive !
Ask yourself three things:
What habits should I add to my life?
What habits should I eliminate from my life?
What habits should I keep in my life?

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"Providing Opportunities" is a blog that will be worth your while to browse at least once a week for ideas that might work for you as you seek to better the world for the youth of t0day. As you check this blog you will find out information about this class that will inspire you, inform you and may give you ideas. This blog will be different in that if ideas are given as as a post and they seem to warrant letting others know about them then they will be posted with credit given for the source. Stephen Covey the famous author stressed the idea of "synergy" and those accomplishing more together than working seperately. This blog can accomplish synergy which provides a resource which Dr. Harry Wong states is the best way for any teacher to learn which is to "steal ideas" from other teachers and use them. "Providing Opportunities" can only work if others will submit their ideas that they have either used or seen used that worked.
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