Below is an example from the Associated Press today of the St.Louis school board asking the community for help. Research shows that the more the community and parents are involved and supp
ort the school the better the test scores, the graduation rate and the other statistics that accompany a good education or a good school system. Even if your kids are gone and
you are an empty nester that does not mean that you wash your hands of the situation. Now with your own children gone and possibly at a time in your life where you have more disposable income you might be able to do more than you could at any other time in your life!

New St. Louis school board asks for community's help
Story Highlights• Newly appointed state school board started running St. Louis schools Friday• Board asked for community's help to improve the school district's performance• 3-person board pledged to seek input from students, teachers and residents
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ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- A newly appointed state board started running the St. Louis school district Friday and asked for the community's help in trying to improve its schools' performance.
The state had voted in March to strip the district's accreditation because of unmet academic and financial standards, and a judge ruled Thursday the takeover was constitutional.
All three members of the appointed board pledged to seek input from students, teachers, residents and members of the elected school board that still remains, though it now has no power.
"We're in uncharted waters on a lot of things," said Rick Sullivan, a homebuilder appointed by Gov. Matt Blunt to lead the transitional board.
Sullivan praised the work of school superintendent Diana Bourisaw and said the board has no intention of removing her. She has said she intends to stay because students
need stability.
Member Richard Gaines, an insurance broker who also served on the board from 1983 to 1989, acknowledged the awkwardness of a board not elected by the city's residents now running the district.
"It brings a great deal of discomfort to me and other people in this city," Gaines said.
That discomfort was barely evident at the meeting. Muted catcalls or laughter occurred a few times during the brief meeting, and two protesters stood outside.
In challenging the takeover, St. Louis school attorneys questioned the fairness of the accreditation process.
State officials were pleased the court affirmed the standards used to evaluate the district.
"In this case, the data clearly show that St. Louis has been losing ground in academic performance," said Jim Morris, a spokesman for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. "We feel the state action is not only justified, but also necessary to get this school district back on track."
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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