Many Parents fear the internet and technology when really with the needed safeguards implemented it can spur a student to heights never imagined. I can recommend software f0r practice in reading, writing and math which will not seem like homework but will increase over time your childs academic levels if they find that the computer is more than just a toy! Below is an article that reinforces this idea!
This is a printer friendly version of an article from hattiesburgamerican.com
Article published Oct 29, 2007
New technology helps students teach each other algebra
Special to the American
POPLARVILLE - Imagine a seemingly endless supply of algebra problems.
And an instantaneous explanation of why you got them wrong.
It's not a nightmare but the latest way to learn and teach math: the Math Power Laboratory.
"There is an increased community atmosphere gained in the lab," instructor Kelly Tucker said. "Students are discussing and teaching each other, and we all know the best way to learn is to teach."
Pearl River Community College began using MyMathLab software in college algebra classes a year ago on the Poplarville campus. This year, it is being used in college and intermediate algebra classes in Poplarville and in college algebra classes at the Forrest County Center in Hattiesburg.
"It helps you out a lot," said Laiken Swilley of Hattiesburg, who is taking intermediate algebra on the Poplarville campus. "It gives examples and helps you step-by-step all the way through."
Feedback from students and teachers has been positive, said Jennifer Seal, director of the PRCC Quality Enhancement Plan.
"It has allowed the instructors to provide more in-depth explanations of mathematical concepts and a wide variety of teaching tools to meet students' needs on a lot of different levels," she said. "As far as students are concerned, they're able to practice an unlimited number of problems. If they've missed a problem, they can see why they've missed it. It's immediate feedback."
Instructors or student peers tutor students as they learn to use the program and the various tools it provides. The resources include a video on each topic, examples of every question, PowerPoint lectures and audio examples. The software lets students work homework problems until they are correct or until the student understands the concept.
"Not having to address homework problems in class frees up so much more time," said instructor Jacki Runnels at the Forrest County Center. "I feel I can present the new information more thoroughly and the students have a better understanding of the topics prior to attempting the homework themselves."
Math students are also using software that gives them real-world laboratory exercises, and the classrooms are equipped with an interactive whiteboard, wireless slate, wireless Internet access and an electronic document display unit.
The interactive whiteboard technology allows instructors to post each day's notes onto the class Blackboard site and students can access and download the notes at their convenience. The technology allows students to listen and observe as the instructor teaches the concept and not be distracted by taking notes.
"On their initial use, some students are resistant to using the technology," said Judy Roane, chair of the PRCC Science, Mathematics and Business Department. "But, after the first few homework assignments, students begin to realize the benefits of MyMathLab and their confidence in their ability to do mathematics increases. With increased confidence, students have a higher level of success."
The Math Power Laboratories are open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday on both the Poplarville and Hattiesburg campuses. Both have extended hours on some days, based on student need.
Each lab contains 30 desktop computers and a laser printer and is staffed with an instructor, laboratory
document assistant and student tutor.