October 19, 2007
Leading from Second Chair
Back in September, Teachers as Leaders spurred some deep discussion about school roles. Today, ASCD author Pam Robbins asked attendees at her session on the assistant principalship,
Which leadership actions do you believe are most essential to fostering staff and student learning?
Here's what a room full of mostly education administrators had to say:
"Be available."
"Lead from the middle. If you’re in among people and you’re willing to roll up your sleeves, you earn respect instead of demanding it. Don’t ask people to do anything you’re not willing to do.”
"In San Jose, all principals, assistant principals, and deans also teach, and that creates a lot of collegiality among administrators and teachers."
"Even if you're not teaching classes, be willing to be in the classroom, because we were all in the classroom at one point."
"Since I'm here today, I have a teacher back at my school that's subbing for me. I think it's important to let teachers try on some of the administrator's responsibilites, as well."
"We need to allocate the resources that allow teachers to be as effective as possible."
What leadership actions are most significant to you?
Pam Robbins, author of The New Principal's Fieldbook: Strategies for Success, presented a session titled The Quiet Journey to Excellence: Success Strategies of Assistant Principals. Visit Inservice throughout the weekend for more coverage of ASCD's 2007 Conference on Teaching & Learning in Atlanta.
Posted by Laura Varlas in Conference on Teaching and Learning Permalink
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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"Providing Opportunities" is a blog that will be worth your while to browse at least once a week for ideas that might work for you as you seek to better the world for the youth of t0day. As you check this blog you will find out information about this class that will inspire you, inform you and may give you ideas. This blog will be different in that if ideas are given as as a post and they seem to warrant letting others know about them then they will be posted with credit given for the source. Stephen Covey the famous author stressed the idea of "synergy" and those accomplishing more together than working seperately. This blog can accomplish synergy which provides a resource which Dr. Harry Wong states is the best way for any teacher to learn which is to "steal ideas" from other teachers and use them. "Providing Opportunities" can only work if others will submit their ideas that they have either used or seen used that worked.
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