Monday, October 29, 2007

Hints to improve study time at home!

Add to Technorati Favorites 1. Establish a regular study time. Find a schedule that works for your child and your family, but avoid late-night study times. If the schedule varies from day to day because of extracurricular activities, write it out and post it prominently. 2. Be available during study time. Children like to have someone on hand who can answer questions if they come up. If no one is around to help your child, have him or her save questions for when you get home. 3. Look over completed assignments. Check each day to see that your child¹s homework has been completed. When your child¹s teacher returns completed assignments, look them over to see if your child is having any problems. 4. Figure out how your child learns best. Does he work better alone or with others? Does she learn more easily when she can see things, touch them, or hear them? Maybe you can help by finding a study group, by providing visual aids, or by reading materials and directions aloud. 5. Help your child prepare for tests. Review with your child what he needs to study for upcoming tests, and create a study schedule. Create a practice test you can give at home, and talk about test-taking skills such as making sure to read directions thoroughly.
______________________________ This is from an email I got from Knowledge They have some of the best software for your children and I know that it would benefit them if you would work through it until they became comfortable with it . Notice the offer below! I get nothing from this monetarily except for the satisfaction of knowing that my students are making progress! *Offer only available online at Free standard USPS shipping to continental US destinations. Free workbook available with each JumpStart World Starter Kit purchased. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 11/14/2007. Knowledge Adventure sent this e-mail to you because you signed up to receive the Knowledge Adventure e-Newsletter. Knowledge Adventure will not request personal data (password, credit card/bank numbers) in an e-mail.

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"Providing Opportunities" is a blog that will be worth your while to browse at least once a week for ideas that might work for you as you seek to better the world for the youth of t0day. As you check this blog you will find out information about this class that will inspire you, inform you and may give you ideas. This blog will be different in that if ideas are given as as a post and they seem to warrant letting others know about them then they will be posted with credit given for the source. Stephen Covey the famous author stressed the idea of "synergy" and those accomplishing more together than working seperately. This blog can accomplish synergy which provides a resource which Dr. Harry Wong states is the best way for any teacher to learn which is to "steal ideas" from other teachers and use them. "Providing Opportunities" can only work if others will submit their ideas that they have either used or seen used that worked.
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