Monday, November 5, 2007

Parenting Tips that are chances for learning

Add to Technorati Favorites Top Parent Tips Weighty IssuesThe next time you bring home groceries, help your child compare the weights of different items. For example, have your child hold a can of baked beans in one hand and a box of taco shells in the other. Which is heavier? Which is lighter? Is the heavier item always the larger item? Topsy-TurvyDraw these images on squares of paper: E, L, 3, J, >, K, /, P. Repeat so that there are two of each. Let your child put the images in a sack, shake the sack, and then remove the images. Can your child find the image pairs and rotate them so that they look exactly the same? (To simplify the activity, use only a few images at a time.) Name a NumberAsk your child to name a number between 1 and 6. Give your child that number of pennies. Repeat the activity, but this time, give your child nickels. Can your child count out all the pennies and nickels and tell you the total value? Triple TossMake a score sheet by writing the numbers 3 through 18 down the side of a sheet of paper. Then take turns with your child tossing three dice and adding. Initial the answer on the score sheet (unless it has already been initialed). Who can initial the most answers? Guess the CategoryName different items of clothing, continuing until your child can guess the category. Repeat the activity, but this time name items from a different category: furniture, fruits, vegetables, animals, rooms, plants, or things that use electricity.

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